CS 373 SWE Spring 2020 Week of 10/26: Rishi Salem

Rishi Salem
2 min readOct 31, 2020


What did you do this past week?

This week I worked with my group to debrief our last project and to start work on the next set of site features. We’ve made good progress and should finish the bulk of the features by the end of the weekend, giving us a few more days to polish the code and update our tests.

What’s in your way?

We haven’t had too much time to work as a full group, which is especially problematic since the main problem we identified during phase II was a lack of communication. Hopefully our planned group meetings this weekend will get us all on the same page and prevent some of the issues that plagued us during the last phase of the project/

What will you do next week?

I have several project deadlines and exams, so I will stay on track to handle them while getting the work for this project done. Hopefully it all goes well!

If you read it, what did you think of The Interface Segregation Principle?

It seems a little odd to have a reading telling us not to use inheritance in places it doesn’t make sense to use, in part because that seems intuitive and in part because we aren’t using much explicit inheritance in python, but I suppose it’s useful information to have for the future.

What was your experience of instance methods, class methods, static methods, regular expressions, and relational algebra? (this question will vary, week to week)

I found it rather confusing, to be honest, but I will look at a few practical examples as soon as I have time to get a better handle on it. We reviewed regular expressions in class today, and the step-by-step explanation right after we applied the principles was very helpful in clearing up my misconceptions.

What made you happy this week?

There was an exam in 311 today, and since I’m a TA in that class, that meant more interaction with the other TAs! The social interaction was pretty fun, even if it did come with more work.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My pick-of-the-week is portion control, particularly with sugar. This is something that impacts everyone differently, but I find that consuming a decent amount of sugar makes it impossible to focus. If you find your focus lagging after you eat a lot of a certain food, consider regulating the times you consume your food so you don’t have it right before you need to get some work done!



Rishi Salem
Rishi Salem

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