CS 373 SWE Spring 2020 Week of 10/19: Rishi Salem

Rishi Salem
2 min readOct 24, 2020


What did you do this past week?

This week my group and I worked on the second deliverable for our website, and were mostly successful! Our final product used our backend API to properly display model and instance pages, and had most of the required features. However, there were a few requirements we didn’t have time to implement by the deadline, such as upgrading our site security to HTTPS.

What’s in your way?

We need to finish the deliverables we were unable to complete before we start on the next phase of the project. I also have more group projects and exams next week, so I need to work on those without slacking in my group work!

What will you do next week?

I will meet with my group to recap our work on this project and start on the next phase. I will also get as much of my work for other classes done as possible.

If you read it, what did you think of Ethical CS?

I thought it was very interesting! It was much more multidimensional and detailed than I expected, and I’m always happy to hear more about the prisoner’s dilemma. Hearing about current-day issues faced by computer scientists also helped me think about ethics in a more involved way than I usually do.

What was your experience of functions, lambdas, and decorators? (this question will vary, week to week)

Python is finally getting complicated! It took me a while to figure out the different types of function headers and what they meant, and I’m still confused about how a function would parse all the star- and double-star-functions. I’ll definitely be going over today’s quiz again later to practice!

What made you happy this week?

This was an incredibly busy week, so I’m glad it’s over now! Hopefully I’ll have a few minutes this weekend to breathe.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

This week, I recommend portable whiteboards! They’re useful for when you want to scribble down your thoughts, either in class or when pseudo-coding. It’s much more convenient than using paper, which gets everywhere puts dead trees on your conscience. It’s also more convenient than doing all your pseudo-coding in MS Word (like I usually do), primarily because handwriting your thoughts helps you organize them.



Rishi Salem
Rishi Salem

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