CS 373 SWE Spring 2020 Week of 10/12: Rishi Salem
What did you do this past week?
This week was the first exam, so my group and I focused on studying for it. We created a study guide and went over the HackerRanks provided in class. The exam itself went mostly well, so it must have paid off!
What’s in your way?
Since we focused on the exam this week, we are now behind on phase II of the project. We can likely finish the project on time, and we have plans to work during the weekend to make it happen, but it’s going to be a busy couple of days.
What will you do next week?
In the early stages of the week we are going to finish connecting the backend and the frontend, and writing the tests for the website. Afterwards we will start with phase III. I personally also have some exams next week, so I will be preparing for those.
If you read it, what did you think of The Liskov Substitution Principle?
I thought it was interesting, but not altogether different from the open-close principle we read about the week previously. Both readings explained the need to focus on the use cases of a class when creating it, rather than creating a class or using inheritance haphazardly. In all aspects of computer science, planning is key!
What was your experience of Test #1? (this question will vary, week to week)
I did get tripped up on one question, as I didn’t unpack a tuple correctly, but besides that the exam went well. The second part went much more easily, since the questions were incredibly similar to the questions on the first part. That said, I do wish we had been able to have both parts of the exam on one day, so that we could get it all over with instead of spreading out the stress over two days.
What made you happy this week?
The exam went better than I expected, which was good! I also made a key lime cheesecake, which was very enjoyable.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
For when you want to have remote meetings with a group, my pick of the week is Discord! It is like zoom, but with better sound quality, a better user interface, and most of the important features zoom provides. It may not be the most professional platform, but it does the job well!