CS 371p Spring 2020: Week of 3/9
- What did you do this past week?
This week, we had an exam! We also had a panic about the coronavirus, which resulted in a closure of the college. To top it all off, we had the Daylight Saving Time switch, which gave me jetlag in the mornings and make me feel tired all day. It was quite the hectic week.
2. What’s in your way?
Spring break is this week, so there isn’t anything in my way (barring further closures or panics due to the virus). There’s also the fact that we didn’t complete the exam, but that’s a problem for future me.
3. What will you do next week?
Next week I am visiting family in other parts of the US, which is probably fine as long as I stay indoors most of the time. I’ll also wash my hands more and avoid buffets. Besides that, it’ll be a normal week for me.
4. What was your experience of Test #1a? (this question will vary, week to week)
It was mostly fine, but the HackerRank platform acted up a little. When I attempted to solve the first question my code was failing two tests, and since I couldn’t figure out why I switched to another question so I could take a break without losing time on the exam. When I came back to the first question and ran the code without any edits, it passed all the tests. I still have no idea why it went from failing to passing without any further edits.
(I also failed a test on the last question, and I have no idea why. Hopefully we get a chance to go over our code to understand what we did wrong!)
5. What made you happy this week?
I had some particularly tasty meals this week that I enjoyed more because I had the time to do so. I also had time to visit the library and sit for a while, which was refreshing.
6. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip of the week is to stay calm! It’s much easier to write good code if you don’t think you’ll die of the latest epidemic-of-the-season if you breathe the wrong way. So long as you wash your hands regularly and keep a healthy distance from other humans, you’ll either avoid the disease or catch it in some unavoidable way such as through the water (which I don’t think is possible with coronavirus, and if I’m wrong please don’t tell me). Either way, there’s not much else you can do about it, so don’t waste time and energy worrying about it!