CS 371p Spring 2020: Week of 2/23

Rishi Salem
2 min readMar 1, 2020


  1. What did you do this past week?

This week I completed the voting project. It went relatively smoothly, except that I forgot to upload my acceptance tests until the day of the deadline and they were rejected very close to 10pm. I ended up submitting another merge request after the deadline had passed. I’ll remember this for next time and prioritize the merge request over the rest of the submission process.

2. What’s in your way?

Since we’re between projects, there isn’t anything in my way. I just need to take the opportunity to catch up on other classes and on my sleep!

3. What will you do next week?

If the next project is released next week, I’ll start planning for that. I’ll also set up the Makefile and repository. If it isn’t, I’ll practice overloading operators and review containers, particularly to remember which container is used as the base for which container adapter.

4. What was your experience of arrays and iterators? (this question will vary, week to week)

One topic I found quite interesting is a deque. I’d never heard of it before, but I imagine a data structure that grows in constant time, whether elements are added to the front or the back, could be helpful in many situations.

I also didn’t know that c++ didn’t allow you to index into a list, since it’s stored as a linkedlist. I thought it was allowed and just a terrible idea.

5. What made you happy this week?

Finishing the voting assignment was fairly rewarding. My favorite part was when I found a bug that was deleting ballots, because I was creating copies of the candidate objects instead of working with pointers as I usually do. It was very satisfying to get that “aha!” moment where everything began to make sense.

6. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

This week I my tip of the week is to stay hydrated! Water consumption is important, and I always find that I’m much more productive if I’m not thirsty. I’ve heard that the amount each person needs is different for different people, but I’ve found that I work best when I drink two 27-oz bottles in a day.



Rishi Salem
Rishi Salem

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