CS 371p Spring 2020: Week of 2/16
CS 371p Spring 2020: Week of 2/9
- What did you do this past week?
This week, I set up the project files I needed for the Voting project. This was relatively easy, as I just copied over the files from Collatz and altered them a little bit. Changing the makefile was especially less complicated than I expected it would be.
I also started planning for the project. While I was initially planning to write classes as I needed them, I decided to think about the entire project before I started coding. This was probably a good idea, as I came up with a few optimizations while planning that may have been more time-consuming to implement had I already started creating classes and writing other code.
2. What’s in your way?
I didn’t get as much done this week as I had hoped to, in part because I was stressed about multiple exams I had this past week. I intend to set aside specific time to write code this week and to finish the project early, with time to spare in case something goes wrong at the last second.
I also need to write issues for this project and remember to label them. I’m still not sure what all labels I want to write.
3. What will you do next week?
This week I will write all the code I have planned for this project. This includes classes for ballots and candidates, code to handle input and output, and code to compute victors for the election.
4. What was your experience of arrays and iterators? (this question will vary, week to week)
It was interesting to see iterators in C++, even if I was somewhat familiar with them already. What was more interesting was the fact that we used template classes in the in-class activities. I had heard of template classes before, and knew how they worked in general, but actually using them helped me learn the syntax required to use them elsewhere. I believe this will be valuable in the future.
5. What made you happy this week?
This week was stressful in general because of all the exams I had to take. I was very relieved when I had finished taking them, even if I don’t know how well I did. It was satisfying simply to not have the prospect of an upcoming exam hanging over my head.
6. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip of the week is to get enough sleep. It can be hard to remember at times, when you have a deadline coming up or are stressed about your work, but you need adequate sleep to work effectively and efficiently. When you’re tired you work much more slowly and it’s worse in the long term.